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New Video: Accelerating Evidence to Outcomes

The need to disseminate and implement ‘what works’ in healthcare is at an all-time high but there exists a gap in capacity and infrastructure at many hospitals and primary care clinics to seek out best practices through the literature and implement them successfully within their normal care processes. The rate limiting step in implementing healthcare improvement strategies is the speed with which research discoveries are implemented into practice.

ISRN Launches Second Wave of the Network Study on the Impact of Cognitive Load on Medication Errors

The Improvement Science Research Network (ISRN) invites hospitals to engage in a research collaborative investigating the impact of cognitive load, interruptions, and distractions on medic

Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation Launches the Batz Guide iPad App

The Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation has created the Batz Guide iPad App. The purpose of this app is to provide a tool that aids families, medical staff, and patients to monitor care in real time. In addition to monitoring medication prescriptions, the app will enable a patient to set alerts and triggers that will remind them of medication times while striving to prevent dosage errors (over dosage or wrong dosage).

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San Antonio, TX

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